How To Earn Bugs

Bugs are what you might call, Coins on Chobots!

There are 2 ways to earn bugs.

1.)Buy Them

2.)Play Games!

Well, Whats The Fastest ways?

I have my 2 fastest way for me.

1.)Nichos Kingdom! To play Nichos Kingdom first buy Citizenship on The "Membership" tab of! Then, Earn 1600 bugs By using Method 2. Then, go to the shop and go to the hat catalog and buy the light bulb on the 2nd page. Then, go the magic shop! Inside go to the catalog on the end with Tamato thing on it! Buy The Red and Green Magics. They are 120 bugs in total. You have spent 1820 bugs! But, its worth it! Then go to nichos kingdom at the Mission Agency inside. Then follow this! (It Repeats What I said if you did'nt get it!)

2.) Buying them! If you go the the magic shop on map you can find a coin exchange and get some bugs for money! Thats The Quickest ways!

But, That all Costs Money :-( Come On I dont wanna spend!
Well Don't worry just play some good old garbage collecter like I do and play on the same time with 2 friends and you will get tons of coins in no time without paying!